
Input Reads

Parameterspreset = N/A
defaultQV = 20
isNonRandom = false
removeDuplicateReads = true
finalTrim = true
removeSpurReads = true
removeChimericReads = true
checkForSubReads = true
FASTA93 reads (1143283 bp)
0 reads (0 bp) were short and not loaded
FASTQ0 reads (0 bp)
0 reads (0 bp) were short and not loaded
93 reads (1143283 bp) loaded, 0 reads (0 bp) skipped, 0 warnings

Final Store

readsLoaded93 reads (1143283 bp)
readsSkipped0 reads (0 bp) (read was too short)
warnings0 warnings (invalid base or quality value)

Read Length Histogram

Image 'unitigging/asm.gkpStore/readlengths' not found.

k-Mer Counts

Image 'unitigging/0-mercounts/asm.ms22.histogram' not found.


CategoryReads%Read LengthFeature Size or CoverageAnalysis
middle-missing 00.000.00±0.000.00±0.00bad trimming
middle-hump 11.084903.00±0.00223.00±0.00bad trimming
no-5-prime 11.0826114.00±0.000.00±0.00bad trimming
no-3-prime 11.0820011.00±0.000.00±0.00bad trimming
low-coverage 11.084686.00±0.001.00±0.00easy to assemble, potential for lower quality consensus
unique 7277.4211521.33±6064.0832.54±6.87easy to assemble, perfect, yay
repeat-cont 00.000.00±0.000.00±0.00potential for consensus errors, no impact on assembly
repeat-dove 00.000.00±0.000.00±0.00hard to assemble, likely won't assemble correctly or even at all
span-repeat 00.000.00±0.000.00±0.00read spans a large repeat, usually easy to assemble
uniq-repeat-cont 1617.2014858.19±5373.45should be uniquely placed, low potential for consensus errors, no impact on assembly
uniq-repeat-dove 11.0820302.00±0.00will end contigs, potential to misassemble
uniq-anchor 00.000.00±0.000.00±0.00repeat read, with unique section, probable bad read

Overlap Error Adjustment



Loaded all overlaps for 93 reads.
Loaded 4960 overlaps in total.


Constructing unitigs using overlaps of at most this fraction error:
0.01260000 +- 0.00380000 = 0.04640328 = 4.640328% (median absolute deviation)
0.01417156 +- 0.00663377 = 0.05397416 = 5.397416% (standard deviation)

84 reads are contained.
1 reads are singleton.
2 reads are spur (2 have a mutual best edge).
6 reads form the backbone (0 have no mutual best edges; 0 have one; 6 have both).

0 reads have a suspicious overlap pattern.
0 had one high error rate edge filtered; 0 had both.
0 had one size incompatible edge filtered; 0 had both.

84 reads are contained.
1 reads are singleton.
4 reads are spur (2 have a mutual best edge).
4 reads form the backbone (0 have no mutual best edges; 0 have one; 4 have both).

Initial Tig Sizes

Final Tig Sizes


Final Outputs