000049F.2497100.2549100 collpase from CHM1

region: 000049F.2497100.2549100
copies: 3
number of assemblies: 3
number of CC groups: 4
Regions in reference:
chr2:13229368-13562654[95.819,95.562][95.819,95.212]  chr15:20259028-20528912[94.097,92.609,99.650][95.404,98.188,99.650]  chr15:22194574-22408233[94.989,94.749,95.474,95.946,90.561,99.650,99.568][94.989,94.575,95.474,97.123,96.337,99.068,99.553]  

Group Stats:
CC_ID   Status  numOfPSVs  reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef  copy=>  1.  2.  3.
    1   Failed         18    117     None   None      None    None      None       1   0   0   3
    0  Success         98    263    97.53  51455     99.75   88074     copy1       0  96   0   0
    2  Success         15     88    95.37  19732     99.71   30124     copy2       2   1   0   0
    3  Success         15    164    98.54  33736     99.77   51877     copy2       3   0   0   0