000219F.2334100.2385200 collpase from CHM1
region: 000219F.2334100.2385200
copies: 4
number of assemblies: 2
number of CC groups: 2
Regions in reference:
chr5:33936897-34273669[98.313][98.332] chr5:20590221-20895934[98.313][98.324] chr6:57776877-58017560[96.149,97.505][97.908,97.454]
Group Stats:
CC_ID Status numOfPSVs reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef copy=> 1. 2. 3. 4.
0 Success 181 328 98.70 59679 99.86 87596 copy2 0 1 150 0 0
1 Success 8 56 98.61 27535 99.89 36778 copy1 1 6 0 0 0