000310F.3652700.3726200 collpase from CHM1

region: 000310F.3652700.3726200
copies: 8
number of assemblies: 7
number of CC groups: 9
Regions in reference:
chr13:34925438-35271721[92.760,93.969,92.985,93.454][93.289,93.969,93.301,93.139]  chr15:20547427-20784976[92.985,99.650,99.589][95.405,99.650,99.590]  chr2:131616635-131853442[96.816,98.951][95.659,97.517]  
chr14:19143217-19376846[99.394][99.424]  chr22:15745522-15979130[99.578][99.488]  chr14:19023148-19255886[99.394][99.424]  
chr22:10735151-10949813[99.842,97.727,91.895][99.842,97.727,95.916]  chr15:21142098-21354045[99.252,99.617,95.331][97.485,99.475,99.589]  
Group Stats:
CC_ID   Status  numOfPSVs  reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef  copy=>  1.  2.   3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.
    1   Failed        199    296     None   None      None    None      None       1   0   6    0   0   0   0   0   4
    8   Failed          5     87     None   None      None    None      None       8   0   2    0   0   0   0   0   0
    0  Success        139     82    96.62  18228     99.83   27668     copy3       0   0   0  120   0   0   0   0   0
    2  Success          2     64    97.53  16288     99.56   20451     copy5       2   0   0    0   0   0   0   0   0
    3  Success         32    169    97.41  11610     99.66   37536     copy2       3   0  14    0   0   0   0   0   2
    4  Success         19     88     95.1  24472     99.92   53032     copy1       4  19   0    0   0   0   0   0   0
    5  Success         10    152    97.36  11135     99.63   36274     copy2       5   0   1    0   0   0   0   0   0
    6  Success         15     83    97.48  16853      99.7   21375     copy4       6   0   0    0   0   0   0   0   0
    7  Success          9     48    97.52  17347     99.86   21971     copy5       7   0   0    0   0   0   0   0   0