000520F.1351700.1393500 collpase from CHM1

region: 000520F.1351700.1393500
copies: 3
number of assemblies: 8
number of CC groups: 9
Regions in reference:
chr10:125755100-126059150[96.234][96.033]  chrY:56757520-56987120[96.012,96.402,99.438][96.379,96.556,99.364]  chr22:10631609-10850491[99.842,99.367,91.895][99.842,99.134,95.916]  

Group Stats:
CC_ID   Status  numOfPSVs  reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef  copy=>  1.  2.  3.
    4   Failed         75    301     None   None      None    None      None       4   0   6  42
    0  Success        105    327    97.03  30388     96.65   42467     copy1       0   0   2   0
    1  Success         63    137    97.47  26665     99.93   48223     copy1       1  62   0   0
    2  Success         19    121     97.5  34741     99.91   56521     copy1       2  19   0   0
    3  Success         38    103    96.83  30378     96.52   42456     copy1       3   0   1   0
    5  Success        130    231    96.75  30380     96.55   42448     copy1       5   0   1   7
    6  Success         18    119    96.54  30199     96.37   42194     copy1       6   0   0   0
    7  Success          8    124    97.72  30383     96.74   42450     copy1       7   0   0   0
    8  Success          8     77    97.66  29977     96.71   41804     copy1       8   0   0   0