000689F.1325900.1458400 collpase from CHM1

region: 000689F.1325900.1458400
copies: 3
number of assemblies: 5
number of CC groups: 5
Regions in reference:
chr16:17968721-18368396[99.344][99.368]  chr16:15061832-15412191[93.543,91.671,97.558,99.344][94.297,92.357,98.123,99.068]  chr16:16343549-16671302[99.266,99.503][99.244,99.503]  

Group Stats:
CC_ID   Status  numOfPSVs  reads  avePerID  aveLen  bestPerID  bestLen BestInRef  copy=>  1.  2.   3.
    0  Success        188    362     99.56   78288      99.99    94035     copy3       0   0   0  165
    1  Success         56    152     99.48   57420      99.81    57057     copy2       1   0  41    0
    2  Success        116    287     99.39   76534      99.86    85829     copy1       2  99   0    0
    3  Success         55    288     99.41   59675      99.53    88490     copy1       3   7  18    0
    4  Success         41    330     99.44   74440      99.83   110491     copy1       4  23   0    0