001164F.332200.335100 collpase from CHM1

region: 001164F.332200.335100
copies: 4
number of assemblies: 1
number of CC groups: 2
Regions in reference:
chr10:79746138-80039621[92.688,92.426,96.838,94.357,91.665,93.266,92.941,98.272][92.688,95.482,96.838,94.357,92.674,93.266,93.174,98.553]  chr10:50581136-50841153[92.105,97.547][92.105,98.087]  chr10:87262446-87492812[98.204][98.852]  
Group Stats:
CC_ID   Status  numOfPSVs  reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef  copy=>  1.   2.  3.  4.
    1   Failed        116     58     None   None      None    None      None       1   0    1   0   0
    0  Success        147     77    97.69  27282     99.81   42186     copy2       0   0  126   0   0