001179F.21700.306200 collpase from CHM1
region: 001179F.21700.306200
copies: 2
number of assemblies: 8
number of CC groups: 9
Regions in reference:
chr7:76551415-77092759[92.596,98.402,98.989,98.424,98.467,98.989][93.030,98.402,99.000,98.424,98.410,98.237] chr1:83080970-83589744[98.402,98.467][98.402,98.467]
Group Stats:
CC_ID Status numOfPSVs reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef copy=> 1. 2.
6 Failed 26 75 None None None None None 6 1 0
0 Success 42 159 99.3 72105 99.96 72106 copy2 0 0 41
1 Success 56 399 99.3 97421 99.88 97396 copy2 1 0 45
2 Success 37 211 99.31 58442 99.89 58293 copy1 2 33 0
3 Success 68 426 99.22 118732 99.78 115836 copy1 3 55 1
4 Success 52 180 99.32 66091 99.98 65878 copy2 4 0 50
5 Success 26 235 99.23 72944 99.87 68460 copy1 5 21 0
7 Success 18 217 99.3 64421 99.93 78613 copy1 7 14 0
8 Success 14 46 94.6 4276 94.55 4300 copy1 8 0 0