001286F.200.166900 collpase from CHM1

region: 001286F.200.166900
copies: 4
number of assemblies: 8
number of CC groups: 15
Regions in reference:
chr5:50261308-50636870[93.627,95.521,95.255,95.437,95.000,95.466][93.414,95.521,95.255,95.437,94.955,95.466]  chr1:121751670-121970910[93.627][93.627]  chr1:122153997-122374084[96.603,94.900][96.534,98.206]  
Group Stats:
CC_ID       Status  numOfPSVs  reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef  copy=>   1.  2.  3.
   11       Failed          4     42     None   None      None    None      None      11    0   0   0
   12       Failed          4     38     None   None      None    None      None      12    0   0   0
   14       Failed          4     52     None   None      None    None      None      14    0   0   0
    0  MultipleAsm        264    192    95.75  25825     95.78   19814     copy4       0  256   0   0
    1  MultipleAsm          6     39    88.18  50161      88.6   49046     copy4       1    0   0   0
    3  MultipleAsm         66    158    93.13  22596     98.42   25973     copy4       3    0   0   0
    6  MultipleAsm          7     57    88.13  24390     88.02   20730     copy3       6    0   0   0
    2      Success         18     71    86.72  18835      88.0   23814     copy3       2    0   0   0
    4      Success         25    108    94.39  23946     97.61   30478     copy2       4    0   4   0
    5      Success          8     68    96.15  41086     98.28   43772     copy3       5    0   1   0
    7      Success          7     36    92.72  22210     95.31   25769     copy4       7    0   0   0
    8      Success          6     48    87.21  11367     88.21   14602     copy3       8    0   0   0
    9      Success          5     40    86.78  15097     88.28   18180     copy3       9    0   0   0
   10      Success          5     49    86.98  12419      88.2   16349     copy3      10    0   0   0
   13      Success          4     96    95.55  29905     99.16   35011     copy3      13    0   0   0