001399F.800.167000 collpase from CHM1
region: 001399F.800.167000
copies: 3
number of assemblies: 2
number of CC groups: 2
Regions in reference:
chrY:11208701-11434434[90.549,93.815,90.543][90.548,96.545,96.034] chrY:11208881-11434434[90.549,93.815,90.543][90.548,96.545,96.034] chr10:133576212-133790458[91.614,90.261,98.282,99.121,99.195][90.756,90.261,98.282,99.335,99.457]
Group Stats:
CC_ID Status numOfPSVs reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef copy=> 1. 2. 3.
0 Success 4 55 91.56 18162 90.48 23232 copy1 0 0 0 0
1 Success 5 37 89.58 6911 89.67 5284 copy1 1 0 0 0