001701F.8800.58500 collpase from CHM1
region: 001701F.8800.58500
copies: 2
number of assemblies: 0
number of CC groups: 4
Regions in reference:
chr19:43076403-43376034[95.242,97.978,97.978,95.235,94.020,94.459][95.242,97.979,97.979,94.197,94.956,95.013] chr19:42745557-43024424[94.459][95.013]
Group Stats:
CC_ID Status numOfPSVs reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef copy=> 1. 2.
0 MultipleAsm 61 224 97.63 46377 98.51 52970 copy2 0 0 44
1 MultipleAsm 60 277 97.56 42578 99.94 24806 copy2 1 1 12
2 MultipleAsm 51 263 97.65 42066 99.91 37705 copy1 2 2 18
3 MultipleAsm 4 292 97.62 43248 96.97 48303 copy2 3 1 0