001984F.7500.18800 collpase from CHM1
region: 001984F.7500.18800
copies: 5
number of assemblies: 3
number of CC groups: 4
Regions in reference:
chr2:113391311-113636726[95.551,90.194,99.021,98.517][95.551,90.194,98.741,98.794] chr9:0-225888[98.838][98.868] chr9:68195136-68451870[99.977][99.158]
chr9:40979716-41236184[95.392,97.765][98.787,99.166] chr11:43030993-43242570[91.418,91.597][91.418,91.597]
Group Stats:
CC_ID Status numOfPSVs reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef copy=> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
0 Failed 64 84 None None None None None 0 0 0 59 0 0
1 Success 11 56 97.63 30663 99.87 29352 copy1 1 7 0 0 0 0
2 Success 33 68 97.45 40306 99.92 43305 copy2 2 0 31 0 0 0
3 Success 39 94 97.75 22369 99.89 24742 copy4 3 0 0 0 28 0