002034F.1700.40500 collpase from CHM1
region: 002034F.1700.40500
copies: 2
number of assemblies: 6
number of CC groups: 7
Regions in reference:
chr16:46286125-46511824[96.935,93.451,96.935][96.935,95.699,96.283] chr16:34472076-34688945[96.514,94.934,95.103,96.514,94.136,96.660,90.040,93.706,93.706,92.296,90.969][96.171,95.062,95.040,96.142,94.136,93.086,90.040,95.059,94.100,96.055,91.558]
Group Stats:
CC_ID Status numOfPSVs reads avePerID aveLen bestPerID bestLen BestInRef copy=> 1.
6 MultipleAsm 5 121 92.29 30498 94.63 26586 copy1 6 0
0 Success 7 84 92.16 29668 93.11 24200 copy1 0 0
1 Success 7 73 90.39 41829 92.79 26458 copy1 1 0
2 Success 6 65 92.31 30032 93.95 24427 copy1 2 0
3 Success 6 126 90.24 31363 90.68 30245 copy1 3 0
4 Success 5 40 91.91 31324 92.38 21766 copy1 4 0
5 Success 5 61 91.81 29614 92.53 26228 copy1 5 0