002119F.3500.11900 collpase from CHM1

region: 002119F.3500.11900
copies: 3
number of assemblies: 4
number of CC groups: 4
Regions in reference:
chr16:33468982-33704679[99.988][98.963]  chr15:20146452-20385471[94.097,92.609][95.404,98.188]  chr19:32897576-33129925[94.749][94.749]  

Group Stats:
CC_ID   Status  numOfPSVs  reads  avePerID  aveLen  bestPerID  bestLen BestInRef  copy=>  1.  2.  3.
    0  Success         22     74     97.10   29098      98.86    27391     copy1       0   0   0   4
    1  Success         89    139     97.31   32018      99.29    33591     copy2       1   0  37   1
    2  Success         19     87     97.51   35284      99.71    38418     copy2       2   0  13   0
    3  Success         13    117     97.49   34481      99.93    33885     copy1       3   3   0   0