002353F.7400.20800 collpase from CHM1

region: 002353F.7400.20800
copies: 2
number of assemblies: 1
number of CC groups: 2
Regions in reference:
chr16:46287047-46501658[96.935,93.451,96.935][96.935,95.699,96.283]  chr16:34471627-34688955[96.514,94.934,95.103,96.514,94.136,96.660,90.040,93.706,93.706,92.296,90.969][96.171,95.062,95.040,96.142,94.136,93.086,90.040,95.059,94.100,96.055,91.558]  
Group Stats:
CC_ID       Status  numOfPSVs  reads  avePerID  aveLen  bestPerID  bestLen BestInRef  copy=>  1.
    0  MultipleAsm          7     58     93.77   21729      96.88    15627     copy1       0   0
    1      Success          7     47     90.79   20187      92.52    16756     copy1       1   0