002933F.4700.5200 collpase from CHM1

region: 002933F.4700.5200
copies: 1
number of assemblies: 4
number of CC groups: 4
Regions in reference:
Group Stats:
CC_ID   Status  numOfPSVs  reads  avePerID  aveLen  bestPerID  bestLen BestInRef  copy=>  1.
    0  Success         15     48     98.23    5259      98.24     5076     copy1       0   0
    1  Success          7     62     97.81   10349      97.82    10323     copy1       1   1
    2  Success          6     53     97.80   10331      97.79    10331     copy1       2   0
    3  Success          4     64     98.07   10357      98.10    10357     copy1       3   0